Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Marriage Retreat!!!

Brian and I went to Aspen Grove for a Marriage Retreat. We got to enjoy the company of each other, have great food, play game and listen to a wonderful speaker about Marriage. I recommend it to everyone. They also have a Family retreat that we have also been to that is really fun. They split your kids up in their age groups and they take them for the day and you get to enjoy a fun vacation.. If anyone is interested the website is aspen.byu.edu.


John Philip Jenkins said...

Mariage retreat? Wow, with Brian's parents Don and Esther? Did they go over some fantastic sexual postitions to enhance your bedroom fun? Do tell. What is Grandpa Don and Grandma Esther's favorite positions?

Ryan & Hayley said...

Hey you! I found your blog on Jen Haltermans. We need to go to lunch. You are still as beautiful as ever! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.